One of the things about having Charitable Status is that the law requires all charities (or rather, strictly speaking, Charitable incorporated Organisations – which is the legal structure that PNN chose when it was founded) to produce an Annual Report and accounts.
Some Charities just publish their accounts and a very brief summary (or even nothing at all) explaining what they have been doing during that financial year. But I think that Charities should properly explain what they are doing, and how they are meeting their charitable purpose – after all society provides Charities with certain benefits and it is right and proper that Charities show that they are working to the benefit of society (in its broadest sense) in return for those benefits.
Our financial year runs from April to March so we have to send in our Annual Report and Accounts by the end of the following January, which we do every year. Here is our latest Annual Report, which we sent in to the Charity Commission a couple of weeks ago.
Please do have a read through as you will see that we have been busy, albeit with very limited resources.
Miles King, People Need Nature.
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