Some of you will have noticed this website has been very quiet for a while. The reason for this is that I have been limited in my capacity to write anything, due to a neurological problem called Chronic Vestibular Migraine, also know as Migrainous Vertigo or Migraine Associated Vertigo. I’ve actually had it for coming up to 13 years but it was only formally diagnosed about 18 months ago.
I have written about it in more detail on my personal blog here . I have been on medication since October 2021 and at first this was very helpful. Slowly over the intervening period the medication has become less effective at stopping the symptoms – and unfortunately, one of the consequences of having this disorder is that the symptoms of dizziness, headache, nausea and so on, are brought on by a lot of reading on screen and, to a greater extent, writing as well.
I am ok writing an email or a tweet, but anything that takes longer than about half an hour (or on a bad day 15 minutes), or involves pulling together lots of different sources of information, websites, images, etc – exactly the sort of thing that is needed to put together a web page or a blog, is more or less beyond me.
Hence why I have not been able to post anything or put new webpages onto here recently.
That’s not to say People Need Nature hasn’t been busy.
For the past 3 1/2 years we have been working with the Duchy of Cornwall on a nature project at their flagship housing development of Poundbury, near Dorchester. The Poundbury Nature Project is now developing well and I write an article for the Poundbury community magazine every quarter.

I will try and post recent articles from the Poundbury Magazine (probably as images) soon.
A Request
One thing that would be very helpful is if there was someone who was interested in helping to maintain this website, post occasional pieces and updates on the work PNN is doing. If there is anyone who would be interested in taking on this voluntary role, please get in touch with me at
Miles King
People Need Nature
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